Breakthrough Stem Cell Technology Announced

14 Sept 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Cell Guidance Systems Ltd, have announced the commercialization of a breakthrough technology that is set to transform the stem cell field. The STARTM (Serial Tethered ARray) growth factor technology works by tethering multiple growth factors to a liquid phase, flexible backbone to form a cluster array, like beads on a string. When this growth factor array comes into contact with a cell, multiple growth factor-receptor interactions are made simultaneously, resulting in stronger binding and increased biological activity.

In the past, effective stem cell therapy development has been hampered by expense, and the lack of biological activity of recombinant growth factors. However, FGF2, the first STARTM growth factor to be launched, shows much stronger performance levels.

Dr Michael Jones, CEO of Cell Guidance Systems, explains “The potency of STAR FGF2 far exceeded our expectations. For maintenance of some types of stem cells, we were achieving better results than standard growth factors at concentrations one thousand-fold lower. We now have experimental data with four separate growth factors each of which deliver stunning levels of performance. This is a technology that will accelerate scientific development and commercial feasibility of a wide range of stem cell therapeutics”.

Cell Guidance Systems is currently focussing on growth factors for blood cells where the huge costs of growth factors are inhibiting progress, and making the process commercially unfeasible. In addition, the development of growth factors to make cells for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease is a priority. Ongoing, Cell Guidance Systems has a developmental program which will deliver a comprehensive range of STAR growth factors to the market over the coming months and years.

