Bruker Announces New impact<sup>TM</sup> II Mass Spectrometer for Life-Science Research, Clinical Research, Biopharma and Applied Markets

22 Jun 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

The new impact II system is the latest innovation in Bruker’s unique UHR-QTOF (ultra-high resolution Qq-time-of-flight) mass spectrometry product line, now with industry-leading >50,000 Full-Sensitivity Resolution (FSR). It offers further enhanced analytical performance levels for all applications where trace analysis from complex, high-background matrices is a challenge – such as proteomics, biomarker research, identification of impurities, or residue screening.

Due to its industry-leading sensitivity, broad mass-transfer ion optics and fast 50 Gbit/sec sampling technology, a dynamic range of 5 orders of magnitude is achieved at UHPLC speeds, with up to 50 Hz spectrum acquisition. The impact II features industry-leading isotopic pattern accuracy, a prerequisite for automated, reliable molecular formula determination of low abundance compounds in nano- and UHPLC peaks.

The enhanced capabilities and versatility of this novel UHR-QTOF drive more productivity for all accurate mass , high dynamic range applications in academia and industry, including:

  • Faster and cost-effective analysis of sub-units of monoclonal antibodies, which can now be fully isotope resolved.
  • Sustainable identification and quantification performance for in-depth quantitative analysis of proteomics samples, including bottom-up proteomics, glycomics and the identification of PTMs
  • High-throughput proteoform screening of intact proteins with isotopic resolution up to 30 kDa. This unique assay allows the screening of well over 1,000 proteoforms in a single 20-30 min UHPLC-UHR-QTOF run. This breakthrough in proteomics is expected to provide an enabling technology for accelerated biomarker identification and validation, and for faster progress towards clinical proteomics.
  • Deep insight into complex metabolomics samples in targeted and non-target analysis by integrated workflows using ProfileAnalysis™ software plus the new Compass PathwayScreener software to pinpoint biomarkers.
  • Better selectivity and specificity for the new Bruker solution in forensic toxicology, ToxScreener, which comes with accurate mass libraries developed together with leading forensic toxicology laboratories.
  • Unique Instant Expertise™ software for intelligent self-optimizing MS/MS acquisition to establish optimal experimental conditions independent of sample amount or complexity. This translates into higher productivity and expert-caliber results - the first time.

These features ensure that the impact II delivers the fastest time-to-success for customers across a broad applications ranging from small molecule identification and characterization; to food safety, forensic and toxicology screening, metabolomics, pharmaceuticals, and bottom-up proteomics, proteoform screening to antibody analysis.

