Bruker AXS Exhibits New QUANTAX™ QUAD EDS System at Pittcon 2006

23 Mar 2006

At Pittcon 2006, Bruker AXS Microanalysis exhibited its recently announced QUANTAX™ QUAD ultra-fast and sensitive EDS system for X-ray microanalysis on electron microscopes.

QUANTAX™ QUAD features the unique XFlash® QUAD detector – the first four-channel 40 mm² Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) for Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) systems mounted on electron microscopes. Powered by ESPRIT™ software, the QUANTAX QUAD delivers significantly faster EDS results across a broad range of applications. It is especially suitable for field emission scanning electron microscopes, environmental and low vacuum scanning electron microscopes. The new high-end XFlash QUAD detector complements the existing Bruker AXS QUANTAX EDS product line.

Four independently operating 10 mm² Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) with integrated anodes and FETs form the heart of the XFlash QUAD detector. This arrangement provides the high energy resolution of a single 10 mm2 crystal at four times the count rate, accepting maximum input count rates in excess of 2,000,000 cps. Cooled by Peltier elements, the XFlash QUAD detector requires no liquid nitrogen and is vibration and maintenance-free. Standard energy resolution is better than 133eV (MnKá) at 10,000 cps, and energy resolution of better than 127 (MnKá, 10,000 cps) is available upon request.

Thomas Schuelein, Vice President for Microanalysis at Bruker AXS, stated: “This cutting-edge new product fits right into our broader EDS strategy, as it complements our already existing range of industry-leading Silicon Drift Detectors. While our proven 10 and 30 mm² single-channel XFlash SDDs are expected to remain the standard for the vast majority of EDS applications, the unique new XFlash QUAD SDD is ideal for optimizing count rate at low beam current conditions and helps make new analysis techniques, like spectral imaging, even more efficient and powerful. All of our QUANTAX EDS customers can upgrade to the XFlash QUAD in the future, should their applications require this performance.”
