Bruker AXS Releases the new Ultra-Sensitive S2 PICOFOX Benchtop TXRF System with XFlash® SDD Technology for Trace Elemental Analysis

3 Mar 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

At Pittcon, 2008, Bruker AXS launches the S2 PICOFOX, a new portable ultra-sensitive benchtop TXRF System to quantify elemental concentrations from 0.1 ppb to % levels. TXRF previously was limited to floor standing, large lab systems for semiconductor and coatings metrology.

The S2 PICOFOX was made for the analytical laboratory and for field use thus enabling TXRF ultra-high sensitivity elemental analysis in clinical, nutritional, environmental and mining applications for the first time. It offers “Zero-wait sample prep”, that does not require time-consuming digestion by hazardous chemicals. In contrast to AAS/ICP instrumentation, the S2 PICOFOX is suitable for almost all sample types such as liquids, suspensions, filters, particles and body fluids.

The system is equipped with a 30mm2 XFlash® detector, making use of Bruker’s award winning Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) technology with superb energy resolution and excellent resolution stability at count rates of over 100,000 counts per sec. Operating without any external gases, water cooling, or any other media, the S2 PICOFOX can detect elements from Al to U and quantify them down to ppb levels. Sample amounts can be in the nanogram range with the ability to analyze solid samples directly.

Customer application studies have shown the versatility of the S2 PICOFOX in the fields of pharma authenticity, environmental testing, food, agricultural products, nutritional supplements, biochemical and medical applications. For mining studies, the S2 PICOFOX can be used for geochemical screening, optimization of ore processing and exploration.

As a complementary tool to ICP-MS in a commercial laboratory setting, the S2 PICOFOX is being thoroughly evaluated by FLORA Research Laboratories, Washington/USA: “WE LOVE IT! Doors have opened in so many areas that we just did not consider in the past because of the relative ease and speed of sample analysis. When it is so easy to prepare samples for analysis and you can do many elements, it makes one more likely to approach inorganic tasks that would not normally be utilized,” says Mr. Neal-Kababick, Director of Flora Research.

All S2 PICOFOX instruments are pre-calibrated from the factory and traceable to primary standards. There is no need for any further calibration by the customer.

