Bruker Daltonics Announces new HAWK™ FR Stand-off Detector with 120 Degree Scanner for Chemical Agent Detection in Homeland Security Applications

3 Mar 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

At Pittcon 2008, Bruker Daltonics today announces the introduction of its new HAWK First Responder (FR) for the U.S. Homeland Security market. The HAWK FR is a lower-cost chemical agent stand-off detector with a 120° coverage scanner that is not designed to military specifications, and is derived from Bruker’s well-established RAPID™ military ruggedized FTIR stand-off detector (the mil-spec version is called HAWK in N. America).

The HAWK FR, like other Bruker FTIR instruments, is based on the proven Bruker RockSolid™ interferometer, and is resistant to mechanical shocks, vibrations, humidity, and extreme temperature differences. It is hardened for field operations in harsh and rugged environments, but does not meet military specifications, which are often not required in homeland security. The HAWK FR features easy handling, robust and compact design, low weight, minimal power consumption, low detection limits, fast measurement and alarm, and continuous monitoring. All this distinguishes the HAWK FR as an efficient and reliable chemical agent and toxic cloud detector for field screening from stand-off position of up to one mile with 360° automatic scanning of the surroundings.

The HAWK FR sensor is a passive mid-infrared (mid-IR) detector which identifies the characteristic “fingerprint” signatures of chemical agents. Substance identification is performed by comparing the measured signal with all spectral fingerprints from a database. Sophisticated software discriminates against possible interferents and thus avoids false alarms. Depending on atmospheric conditions and the characteristics of the agent cloud, the system can detect chemicals at a line-of-sight distance of up to one mile.

Mr. Frank Thibodeau, Vice President of Bruker Daltonics’ CBRNE detection business, commented: “The HAWK FR represents Bruker’s commitment to meet customer requirements for a cost-effective, yet analytically powerful stand-off detector of chemical agents and toxic vapors without the need for expensive military ruggedization and specifications. From the mil-spec RAPID/HAWK, we have derived the affordable HAWK FR for more widespread adoption by U.S. homeland security agencies.”

