Bruker Daltonics Introduces Powerful PTMscan™ on its High-Capacity Ion Trap PTM Discovery System™

17 Mar 2006

At Pittcon 2006, Bruker Daltonics today announces the release of a powerful, novel PTMscanTM on its PTM Discovery System™.

The PTM Discovery System incorporates electron transfer dissociation (ETD) in Bruker Daltonics’ highly successful HCTultra™ high-capacity ion trap mass spectrometer, the world’s first and only commercial system with fully integrated ETD capability. ETD fragmentation breaks the peptide backbone non-ergodically and preserves functionally important post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as phosphorylation and glycosylation.

The newly introduced PTMscan can now detect PTMs by first screening for specific neutral losses during collision-induced dissociation (CID), and then triggering automatic, data-dependent ETD experiments on the fly. A particularly important PTMscan, called PhosphoScan™ enables the automated detection and localization of phosphorylations of peptides and small proteins. Similar GlycoScan™ methods are supported as well.

Dr. Michael Schubert, Executive Vice President of Bruker Daltonics, commented: ”Last year, we introduced the world’s first high-capacity ion trap with ETD capability. This year, the PTMscan methods further extend our customers’ ability for automated, intelligent phosphorylation and glycosylation characterization. While similar PTM-analysis capabilities have been available on our apex®-Qe FTMS systems, PTMscan now also enables this important branch of proteomics on our robust, ultra-high sensitivity ion traps. This further establishes Bruker Daltonics as the leader in PTM and proteomics research by mass spectrometry.”

Pittcon 2006, the 57th Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, is being held from March 13-16 in Orlando, Florida in the Orange County Convention Center. Bruker Daltonics will exhibit at booth #3155.


Bruker BioSciences Corporation, headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, is the publicly traded parent company of Bruker Daltonics Inc. and Bruker AXS Inc. Bruker AXS is a leading developer and provider of life science, materials research, and industrial X-ray analysis tools. Bruker Daltonics is a leading developer and provider of innovative life science tools based on mass spectrometry. Bruker Daltonics also offers a broad line of nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection products for defense and homeland security. For more information, please visit

