Bruker Daltonics VPs Present New MALDI-TOF and PTM ETD Applications on Live from Pittcon Video

18 Apr 2006

Bruker Daltonics Inc. has just announced its Live from Pittcon 2006 Video Showcase, highlighting its new, cutting-edge MALDI BioTyper™ System for Protein Profiling, a new and unique MALDI Molecular Imager™ for In-Vitro Imaging of Protein Biomarkers, and a new and powerful PTMScan™ for its high-capacity HCTultra™ ion trap PTM Discovery System.

The HCTultra is the world's first and only commercial ion trap system with fully integrated Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD) capability.

To review the condensed four minute video, please visit

Bruker Daltonics’ Executive Vice President, Dr. Michael Schubert, and Assistant Vice President Victor Fursey present an overview live of these and other innovative Bruker Daltonics products and solutions direct from the extensive Bruker Daltonics booth at Pittcon. Fursey says, “The scientific interest in our new BioTyper, MALDI Molecular Imager, and PTMScan applications at our booth was excellent. At the same time, our top-of-the-line micrOTOF-Q, ultraflex TOF/TOF, and apex-Qe FTMS mass spectrometers continued to demonstrate interest from the research community for drug discovery and proteomics applications.”

The Bruker Group led all exhibitors in the number of Pittcon Editors’ Awards received , earning honorable mentions for its 800 Mhz UltraShield™ Plus NMR, its D8 Screen Lab™ screening system for advanced materials research, and its S8 Tiger XRF spectrometer for elemental analysis in industrial applications.

