Bruker introduces new mycobacteria and fungi IVD solutions for MALDI Biotyper

16 Apr 2023
Jemima Arnold
Editorial Assistant

At the 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Bruker Corporation announced its latest innovations for user-friendly, best-in-class diagnostic solutions for routine clinical microbiology and infection diagnostics laboratories.

Next-generation MALDI Biotyper® IVD Software

Bruker introduced the MBT Compass HT IVD software and outlined how it offers a high sample throughput for microbial identification, and promises a time-to-result of ~5 minutes for 96 sample spots. Bruker also reported that due to a fast sample target exchange, the MBT system can now analyze up to 600 samples per hour, while covering over 4,600 species in the reference library.

The new IDealTune™, part of the MBT Compass HT IVD software, provides fully automated tuning of MALDI-TOF parameters within a sample run, and promises to deliver consistent data quality without user intervention.

Optimizing sample preparation for mycobacteria

As mycobacteria are challenging species in microbiology, an optimized sample preparation protocol is essential for robust results. The new MBT Mycobacteria IVD Kit offers a user-friendly, dedicated sample preparation method for mycobacteria cultivated in liquid as well as on solid media. The inactivation method for safe sample handling does not require boiling but convenient incubation of the mycobacteria with an inactivation reagent at room temperature.

Identifying challenging filamentous fungi

Identifying molds and multicellular fungi remains one of the most complex aspects of microbiology, because of varying culture conditions and colony morphology. The new MBT HT Filamentous Fungi IVD Module comes with an easy, yet powerful Mycelium Transfer (MyT) sample preparation procedure which together with a comprehensive reference library offers high identification success rates.

New LiquidArray® Gastrointestinal PCR Assay for broad syndromic testing

The new LiquidArray Gastrointestinal is a syndromic panel that enables the simultaneous detection of up to 26 pathogens causing gastroenteritis. It is validated on the GenoXtract® fleXT which streamlines extraction and PCR, and provides high-throughput clinical laboratories with a fully integrated workflow from sample to result.

