Bruker Optics Introduces New Sampling Tools for Turn-Key FT-IR Analysis

3 Mar 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Since its launch at PITTCON 2007, the small footprint, affordable price, exchangeable sampling accessories and easy-to-use software have made the ALPHA the choice of many laboratories around the world. Bruker Optics has now added more analysis capabilities to the ALPHA product range, with new QuickSnap interchangeable accessory modules that are designed for specific applications such as biodiesel quality control, pharmaceutical raw material ID, trans fatty acid quantification, polymer ID, and gemstone analysis.

Heated Diamond ATR for Liquid Analysis
The Alpha’s new diamond ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) accessory is now available with heated and/or flow-through capabilities for liquid samples. This unit is ideally suited to biodiesel quality control, trans fatty acid analysis, and measurement of aqueous solutions.

Diffuse Reflectance Accessory for Powders and Gemstone Analysis
The new diffuse reflectance module offers a two-position sample holder for fast and reproducible sample and background measurements. It is designed for the analysis of powders and other diffusely reflecting or scattering samples such as gemstones.

Specular Reflectance Accessory for Surface Analysis
The new, easy to use specular reflectance accessory is ideal for the analysis of thin layers on metal surfaces, and can also be used to characterize bulk samples with a smooth, reflecting surface. The sample is simply placed on the sampling accessory, with no sample preparation required.

