Carl Zeiss Axio CSM 700 Delivers 3D Topographies at High Resolution

16 Jul 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The accurate measurement of large sample areas is now faster, simpler and more convenient with the introduction of the Axio CSM 700 confocal microscope. The new microscope visualizes surfaces three-dimensionally in true colour at high resolution to enable the precise measurement of 3D microstructures surface roughness.

Ideally suited to materials research, quality inspection and routine applications, The Axio CSM 700 offers a motorized scanning stage with a 150 x 150 mm travel range and performs topographical measurements at a rate of more than 100 frames per second. Height information is reliably detected even on relatively ‘soft’ surfaces with step heights from 20 nm up to the millimetre range and the depth of focus has previously only been offered by scanning electron microscopes (SEMs).

Scanning stage control is integrated into the Axio CSM 700 software and a ‘Mosaic’ function allows large sample areas to be captured with a stitching algorithm that eliminates transitions in the final image. The large sample area allows parameters such as roughness and wear rate to be determined with a higher statistical reliability. The easy-to-use software provides numerous analysis options, including the measurement of roughness, evaluation of layer thickness and particle analysis. Additional functions, such as a newly programmed filter, facilitate and improve image processing.

Furthermore, Imperial units like inches and microinches are integrated into the Axio CSM 700 software, which aids compliance with material microscopy standards valid in parts of North America.

