Carl Zeiss MicroImaging to Showcase Four New Microscopy Systems at ASCB 2009

1 Dec 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

For the first time at a major meeting a fully functional superresolution ELYRA microscope will be demonstrated. To cover the widest possible range of applications the ELYRA PS.1 system is capable of both PAL-M (Photo Activation Localization Microscopy) and SR-SIM (Super Resolution Structured Illumination Microscopy) on the same microscope stand. Visit Carl Zeiss MicroImaging at booth 1213 to learn more.

LSM 780 with InTune
The LSM 780 offers the highest sensitivity imaging through the use of GaAsP detectors with up to 45% QE. Additionally, the system's photon counting capabilities enable imaging of ultra faint signals and integrated fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.

The InTune laser is the only truly tunable laser available for confocal and FLIM imaging. Tuning over the range 488 - 640 nm and with pulses ideally suited to FLIM the InTune adds flexibility and analytical functionality to either the LSM 710 or LSM 780 - conveniently, the InTune can be retrofitted to existing systems.

Spinning Disc with DirectFRAP
Whether your application requires FRAP, FLIP, photo-activation or -conversion the DirectFRAP laser manipulator offers an economical and fast solution. Up to 19 different diaphragms allow flexibility in defining the region - size, shape and orientation. Simultaneous exposure of all points within the region, and millisecond control of the laser enable analysis of even the fastest dynamics.

VivaTome Optical Sectioning
In collaboration with Aurox Ltd., Carl Zeiss introduces a pioneering technology: VivaTome, an economical entry-level solution for high resolution, artifact-free and light efficient imaging of highly dynamic processes in living samples in optical sections.

This non-laser based system simultaneously provides widefield and optical section images at up to 30 frames per second. With its flexible optical concept and compact form, VivaTome is designed to be easily integrated into a variety of ZEISS microscope stands such as Axio Observer, Axio Imager and Axio Examiner.

