Carl Zeiss offers unrivalled versatility in Laser Scanning Microscopes with launch of LSM 5 DUO

23 Jan 2006

Carl Zeiss offers unrivalled versatility in Laser Scanning Microscopes with launch of LSM 5 DUO.

New LSM combines two award-winning scanning modules in a single state-of-the-art confocal microscope. Biomedical scientists across a wide range of disciplines will reap the benefits from the unrivalled versatility offered by the latest laser scanning microscope from Carl Zeiss. The innovative LSM 5 DUO combines two award-winning confocal laser scanning microscopes, the LSM 510 META and LSM 5 LIVE, to form a single state-of-the-art instrument that establishes a new benchmark for experimental and imaging versatility.

The fast line scanning module of the LSM 5 LIVE and the precise point scanning module of the LSM 510 META, both winners of the R&D 100 Award, are integrated in the new workstation. The two independent scanner groups provide great flexibility in optical sample micromanipulation for FLIP or FRAP applications or when utilizing photoactivateable and photoconvertible variants of fluorescent proteins. Dynamic processes up to the kHz range may be observed using the system's ultra-fast acquisition capabilities. Meanwhile, multiple META channels make time-saving, specimen-preserving spectral imaging possible.

"This groundbreaking combination of high resolution, sensitivity, speed and spectral imaging is an essential pre-requisite for the next generation of live cell imaging research. LSM 5 DUO makes that possible now." says Aubrey Lambert, Carl Zeiss UK.

The LSM 5 DUO is ideally suited to a wide range of live cell imaging applications, allowing researchers to probe deeper into the cell's molecular processes. Developmental studies can be carried out at high speed and in 3-D resolution, even with low-magnification lenses. Physiological measurements can be perfectly matched to biological timescales or spectral properties.

The award-winning META detector enables fluorochromes with highly overlapping emission spectra to be precisely separated using its Emission Fingerprinting technology. Photomanipulation experiments involving pixel-precise laser irradiation, e.g. FRAP, FLIP, FLAP, photo-activation or -conversion and uncaging, can be conducted at high-resolution timescales. And, ultra-quick 4-D image acquisition enables dynamic structures to be monitored simultaneously.

