Cecil Enhances Spectrophotometer Design

4 Feb 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Cecil Instruments has enhanced the design of its spectrophotometers. The double and single beam spectrophotometers now have USB ports as standard. These USB ports enable the spectrophotometers to be used directly under PC control.

The use of the simple but comprehensive DataStream software, allows data to be viewed, manipulated, processed and saved. Kinetics time plots and spectra, may then be automatically compared and saved in the DataStream library. Data may be copied and pasted into Word, Excel, PowerPoint or other software packages.

All the Cecil spectrophotometers provide for fast, reliable, easy, accurate and precise measurements. The wavelength ranges extend to 1,100 nm.

These versatile spectrophotometers have a wide range of options, including high performance wavelength scanning, multiple wavelength analyses, multi-component analyses, kinetic analyses, calibration curves and spectral derivatives. They may be operated in a choice of six languages.

Instant ESEF software options perform user-specified and pre-programmed functions. Code protected, user-created methods are effortlessly added.

The spectrophotometers may be fully accessorised, with provision for nano tray cells.

