Celebrating the scientists and technologies changing the world: Don’t miss our 25th anniversary special feature and podcast series

Join us for thought-provoking conversations with leading scientists as we reflect on the remarkable achievements of science and explore the possibilities ahead

4 Jun 2023
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant
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Trailblazers from across the scientific spectrum have partnered with SelectScience® for a major new special feature and an exclusive podcast series dedicated to the visionary scientists and transformative technologies shaping our world.

Running throughout June and July, our new interactive feature – Accelerating Science: The people and technology changing the world – sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific, will look at the exciting possibilities ahead in lab science and the breakthrough technologies fueling innovation. Look out for The Scientists' Channel® videos, insightful articles, and much more.

As part of our 25th anniversary 'Accelerating Science' feature, we have invited scientists and clinicians across the globe to join us on a captivating journey exploring how we can further push the boundaries of scientific discovery.

Exclusive new podcast series

Hosted by our CEO Kerry Parker, each podcast episode will delve into the great strides made in laboratory science, discussing the road to progress, the latest advances, and, most importantly, what the future holds.

“As we mark 25 years at the forefront of science communication, it feels like the perfect time to honor the remarkable achievements of scientists and manufacturers worldwide and look ahead at how we can work together to keep driving science forward in progressive and creative ways," said Kerry.

The first podcast, launching today, titled 'CRISPR, AI and how to be successful in pharma' features Steve Rees OBE, esteemed leader in drug discovery at AstraZeneca, who was honored by the Queen for his work to accelerate COVID testing. A committed champion of collaboration and communication, Rees will share invaluable insights into his work in pharma, how CRISPR works, why AI is the technology for today, and how the future technologies to accelerate science haven’t yet been discovered.

Subsequent episodes will introduce listeners to more brilliant minds shaping the scientific landscape, including renowned physicist and engineer Prof. Alexander Makarov, inventor of the Orbitrap mass analyzer, whose contributions have revolutionized mass spectrometry, and Prof. Zoltan Takats, the mastermind behind the iKnife, an innovation that has transformed surgical precision and patient outcomes.

Other guests will include Dr. Anne Wyllie, affectionately known as the 'Spit Queen,' whose pioneering research in non-invasive saliva testing has played a crucial role in COVID-19 testing and beyond, and Dr. Mimi Roy, Senior Vice President of Technical Operations at Grace Science, who will share insights on the latest advancements in the rapidly evolving biopharma sector.

“We’d like to thank all our guests for joining us for this celebration of science and we can’t wait to share it with our community of scientists across the world,” added Kerry.

The podcasts will be available free on SelectScience, Apple, Spotify® and all main podcast channels.

