Cell Cultures Go for DASGIP’s Gas Mixing

26 Sept 2006

Control of pH and dissolved oxygen have become standard within the cell cultivation community. In contrast to most of its competitors DASGIP offers the required precision when it comes to measurement and dosing, especially gassing.

That is why more and more customers decide to work with the DASGIP gas mixing station, not only as stand alone module but also in connection with their existing cultivation systems and reactors.

Morphosys AG in Martinsried (GER) uses the 4-fold module to deliver four Wave bioreactors with carbondioxide and air. Dr. Olaf Broders, scientist at Morphosys, is convinced by the usability, accuracy and reliability of the module. “We work with a Carbondioxide and Air mixture, that has to be sticked to accurately. DASGIP’s gas mixing station offers this precision and it does it permanently. Further, if trials do not develop as planned, journal and alarm messages help to find and solve problems due to the gas mixing rapidly”, says Broders.

The high precision bases on the constant gas flow and the exact dosing of defined amounts and their composition. In addition the detailed documentation enables process engineers to identify and ensure optimized cultivation conditions for ongoing and future processes.

Another advantage customer see in DASGIP’s gas module is its compatibility to central process control systems. What makes it easier to seamlessly integrate DASGIP’s modules into third party systems not only the technical design, but also DASGIP’s relaxed handling of required information in the frame of those integration projects.

