Cellexus Biosystems announces the world-wide launch of the CellMaker Lite disposable bioreactor, with backing from the British Department of Trade and Industry.

24 Aug 2006

Cellexus Biosystems PLC of Cambridgeshire, UK (stock symbol: CBIO) announces the world-wide launch of the CellMaker Lite disposable bioreactor. The Company will be exhibiting its products across the globe at a series of high profile conferences, as it introduces the system to scientists throughout the world.

The Company’s first international showing is in Australia, at ComBio 2006 in Brisbane (24th – 28th September), followed immediately by its first viewing in Dublin, Ireland (24-25th October) at Europe’s BioProduction conference. Shortly after, the Company is exhibiting in the USA for the first time at IBC’s fully sold out BioProcess International conference in San Francisco, on the 6-9th November. Other conferences will be attended, including London’s PABORD conference on the 13th -14th September 2006.

“This series of events mark the international debut of the CellMaker Lite disposable bioreactor system” explained Dr Kevin Auton, CEO of Cellexus Biosystems. “Our system is novel and offers a number of benefits to researchers over existing disposable bioreactors and we are keen to take it to our customers and show them the CellMaker Lite first hand. The best way to do this is for us to undertake a global road show so that customers can see this for themselves and these conferences are an ideal way to achieve this.”

The international launch has also attracted the involvement and support of the UK’s Department of Trade and Industry (UKTI) through its Passport to Export programme. Cellexus Biosystems successfully applied for funding to assist it with these export activities and is enjoying the help of British Embassies and Consulates around the world through the Overseas Market Introduction Service (OMIS). “The support provided by the UKTI to help us promote the CellMaker Lite into international markets through the Passport to Export Programme has been excellent. In addition to financial support, the provision of advice, reviews of our readiness for export and local assistance in Cambridgeshire has made the process more effective and easier to achieve.” commented Dr Auton.

Dr Belinda Clarke, the UKTI’s export Biotechnology sector specialist for the Cambridgeshire region, commented “Our role is to assist companies such as Cellexus Biosystems achieve their full potential in international markets. It is often difficult for smaller companies to achieve a presence on the World’s stage and we are delighted at the success being achieved by Cellexus Biosystems. From the outset, the Company’s management embraced the UKTI’s Passport to Export programme, participated in the training workshops we provided and have worked closely with us. We are very pleased for Cellexus and we will continue to support their efforts through the on-going Passport to Export scheme and wish them ever increasing success as one of the regions exporters as their international business flourishes.”

The CellMaker Lite will be demonstrated at the following renowned conferences:

·13-14th September PABOARD pharmaceutical out sourcing, London

·24-28th September ComBio 2006, Brisbane, Australia

·24-25th October BioProduction, Dublin, Ireland

·6-9th November BioProcess International, San Francisco, USA

Full details of these and future conferences in which the Company is attending as an exhibitor, can be found by clicking the above request link.

