CEM Introduces New Protein Testing System at Worldwide Food Expo

24 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

CEM Corporation, a leading global provider of innovative microwave laboratory instrumentation, is pleased to announce the introduction of the Sprint™ Rapid Protein Analyzer at the Worldwide Food Expo in Chicago, Illinois today. Sprint uses iTAG™ protein tagging technology to yield accurate test results in two minutes. Accurate protein measurement is of particular importance due to concern in the food and pet food industries over false protein measurements caused by elevated nitrogen levels in some ingredients, as resulted from the addition of melamine to wheat gluten and rice protein concentrates.

“In this era of global resourcing and production, food manufacturers have realized that it is more important than ever to ensure the safety and integrity of their products,” said Michael J. Collins, president and CEO of CEM Corporation. “Sprint brings proteomics to food science, giving companies the most accurate protein measurement available. By actually “tagging” the proteins, Sprint is able to distinguish them without being deceived by nitrogen interference, an incredibly important advance in food science.”

The Kjeldahl and Dumas methods currently used to test protein in the food industry measure total nitrogen in samples and calculate the protein content based on the nitrogen levels. This has recently proved to be a concern with imported ingredients, as fi llers or contaminants have yielded protein results higher then actual protein content. Sprint’s protein-tagging technology does not measure nitrogen at all, but attaches to the protein itself to yield an accurate analysis of protein content.

The method has AOAC and AACC approval and is useful for a wide variety of foods and ingredients. Designed to be simple to operate, Sprint automatically homogenizes the sample, adds the tagging solution, and reads the results at the touch of a button. In addition, the compact system is a safer, faster, and more environmentally-friendly alternative to the Kjeldahl and Dumas methods. Kjeldahl uses sulfuric acid heated to high temperatures, which pose a safety and health hazard to employees during the testing and to the environment in terms of disposal.

“CEM has always been a company whose priorities are focused on the research and development of solutions for critical laboratory applications,” continued Collins. “Our expertise in both compositional testing and bioscience presented a rare opportunity to capitalize on our knowledge base while expanding our product line. All of the feedback that we have had from the industry thus far, has been overwhelmingly positive.”

CEM will begin shipping Sprint in limited availability in late 2007, with full production beginning in the first quarter of 2008.

