Cerno Bioscience releases latest version of its mass spec software

15 Jul 2020
Edward Carter
Publishing / Media

Cerno Bioscience has announced that it has released the first shipments of its innovative mass spec calibration and analysis software, MassWorks Version 6.0. The software boasts a host of new features and improvements that extend the versatility of the software including support for Agilent OpenLab data (version 2.4 or higher), more robust automatic accurate mass calibration for GC/MSD (AutoCal), support for the quantitative analysis of dimers, trimers and X-mers up to 9, and many enhancements to improve the robustness and broaden the applicability of the product.

MassWorks is well known for enabling routine formula determination on an otherwise conventional quadrupole MS with up to 100x improvement in mass accuracy through TrueCal™, a novel and patented MS calibration algorithm. Cerno has defined the concept of Spectral Accuracy in mass spectrometry which for the first time enables accurate isotope spectral profiles to be calculated and quantitatively analyzed on both high and unit resolution instruments. This enabling technology allows accurate elemental composition determination on unit resolution instruments (CLIPS) and dramatically improves the specificity for high resolution instruments (sCLIPS). Formula identification using Spectral Accuracy is now an accepted technique in peer reviewed Journals including JOC, JASMS, JACS, and other ACS publications. The high Spectral Accuracy provided by the patented MassWorks calibration also enables powerful quantitative mixture analysis in the most challenging applications such as protein modifications including oxidization and deamination, isotope labeling experiments, and most recently, RNA modification analysis with major implications for the development of biotherapeutics and understanding of viruses such as Covid-19.

Dr. Don Kuehl VP of Marketing and Products at Cerno, comments: “With thousands of copies delivered, MassWorks has proven to be not only the tool to transform a unit resolution instrument into a powerful accurate mass instrument, but it provides high Spectral Accuracy as well for high resolution instruments to enable more reliable elemental composition determination and solve complex problems for both small and large molecule applications”

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