China Opens Door to AnaLight Technology – Internationally Respected Laboratory Adopts AnaLight Bio200

8 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Farfield Scientific is proud to announce a key sale and installation in China. The instrument has been installed in the group of Prof. Xiurong Yang, Head Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Electro-analytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China.

The laboratory is amongst the most respected in the world and its’ researchers have won many prestigious international and national awards, including:

• First Winner of 10th and 16th Kharazmi International Festival in Tehran (Iran)
• World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva (Switzerland)
• Liang Shuquan Analytical Chemistry Award
• Young Chemists’ Award of the Chinese Chemical Society
• Outstanding Youth Fund Award

The laboratory is involved in many national and international key projects and boasts over one thousand primary scientific papers and monographs as well as having a significant patent portfolio. The Farfield AnaLight® instrument will provide DPI research capabilities to support at least 6 research groups with over 35 staff members as well as over 80 graduate students undertaking their professional training. Farfield believe that this is a pivotal sale into one of the most technologically exciting areas in the world.

