
Chocolate Testing System for the Perfect Flow

18 May 2015
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Measuring chocolate viscosity and determining the Plastic Viscosity and Casson Yield Value are critical steps to optimizing chocolate flow properties. The Brookfield DV3T Rheometer, Small Sample Adapter and a Circulating Water Bath provide an ideal system for testing chocolate samples. Together they allow confectioners to maintain precise temperature control during testing, assuring reproducible comparisons.

Plastic Viscosity is a measurement of flowing chocolate. It accurately predicts the resistance to flow in pumping, moving or mixing situations. Casson Yield Value measures the amount of force (shear) that is necessary to get the chocolate to start moving.

Together these two factors play a critical role in the manufacture of chocolate products including: even controlled coverage when enrobing goods, draining away excess chocolate after coating, filling in holes and gaps on products, releasing air bubbles, and minimizing excess “foot” formations.

The testing conforms to National Confectioners Association and Bureau of the Technical Committee Office Internationale du Cacao et du Chocolat.

