Clarify and sterile-filter complex cell cultures in one step

16 Aug 2020
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant

New innovation in a 24-well format for workflow improvements

Introducing the new AcroPrep 24-well filter plates for protein purification and 0.2 μm sterile filtration workflows. These new and innovative 24-well, 7mL volume, filter plates use unique combinations of Pall’s proprietary high-performance filter medias to clarify and 0.2 μm sterile filter. This provide time savings, high filter efficiency and streamlined workflow improvements.

Cell clarification and sterile filtration plate for protein purification workflows

Pall’s dual media clarification and sterile filtration AcroPrep 24-well filter plate can both clarify and 0.2 μm sterile filter in a single device and workflow step. The top layer features Pall’s Seitz® depth media and efficiently captures whole cells and cell debris. The lower Supor® EKV layer provides an efficient sterile filtration layer. The combination effortlessly recovers proteins from whole cell cultures with varying viabilities of up to 25M+ cells/mL in minutes using either a vacuum manifold or plate centrifuge.

0.2 μm filtration plate for sterile filtration workflows

Pall’s sterile filtration AcroPrep 24-well filter plate is well suited for plate-based sterile filtration needs such as for media, reagent, serum or proteins. Compatible with either a vacuum manifold or plate centrifuge, the filter plate utilies Pall’s Supor® EKV membrane which is a dual-layer PES 0.65 μm membrane integrated with a highly asymmetric 0.2 μm membrane for fast, efficient, and sterilizing grade filtration. The plate is tested to meet sterile Brevundimonas diminuta (Bdim) retention claims.

Discover more about the AcroPrep™ 24-well filter plates here >>

