CLC bio and University of Aarhus Sign Site License Agreement

5 Jun 2007

CLC bio and the Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus, have signed a site license agreement for CLC bio's premier bioinformatics software solution, CLC Combined Workbench, in combination with CLC bio's brand new Educational Package which offers a solid backbone for bioinformatics courses. The deal runs for five years and is for several hundred seats, which will be installed on all computers at the department, giving students and teachers easy access to the software.

Vice Chairman at the Department of Molecular Biology at University of Aarhus, Dr. Kim Kusk Mortensen states:
We chose CLC bio as our solution provider for a number of reasons. First of all CLC bio provides the newest algorithms and analyses available, which is fundamental for our research. Secondly, we have chosen CLC Combined Workbench because this single application can replace the whole range of outdated and expensive tools we have been using previously. Last but not least we look forward to using CLC bio's straightforward and user-friendly software in our bioinformatics courses at various levels.

CLC Combined Workbench is a comprehensive software solution for advanced DNA, RNA, and protein analyses, containing all features of CLC Free Workbench, CLC Protein Workbench, and CLC Gene Workbench in one, integrated software package. The program sets new standards for bioinformatics software with its overall graphical display and usability driven, user-friendly interface. In addition, it features a number of unique and innovative bioinformatics tools for supporting advanced biochemistry and molecular biology lab research. CLC Combined Workbench is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux platforms - including Windows Vista and the upcoming Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard".

