CLC bio customized software supports Abcam's monoclonal development capability

6 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

CLC bio, the premier bioinformatics solution provider, and Abcam, the world-leading research antibody supplier, today announced that CLC bio has met the first important milestone of the two companies' collaboration: the development of a customized epitope prediction software solution to augment Abcam’s high through-put monoclonal antibody development programme.

Through automation of labor intensive manual workflows and by applying expert scientific knowledge, CLC bio's customized bioinformatics solution ensures a significant reduction in the time-to-marketwhilst ensuring that the antibodies are of the highest quality.

Dr Catherine Onley, Head of Product Development & Manufacture at Abcam, states:
"We searched the market to find the best bioinformatics solution provider for this highly specialized project and I am more than satisfied with CLC bio's performance. Their skilled IT developers and experienced bioinformatics scientists and project manager have developed an epitope prediction solution that exceeds our expectations. Abcam's in-house R&D programme will benefit significantly from this. I look forward to the next phase of our collaboration, where we will fully integrate the epitope prediction solution with our LIMS system."

Dr Jannick D. Bendtsen, project manager and Senior Scientific Officer at CLC bio, said:
"'We are very proud to help Abcam improve their R&D workflows and performance through this software consulting assignment. From a personal perspective, I'm thrilled to work on this Abcam project as it has been scientifically challenging. I look forward to seeing Abcam improve their competitive edge using this new bioinformatics solution."

Parts of the epitope prediction functionalities will be included in future versions of CLC Protein Workbench and CLC Combined Workbench, which will facilitate epitope prediction in basic research. The unique Abcam-related work will be kept confidential between the two parties. The customized epitope prediction software follows CLC bio's concept of providing highly specialized bioinformatics solutions, based on a highly popular and well-proven platform. The Abcam solution is designed as a plug-in that is then fully integrated with the CLC Combined Workbench, CLC bio's premier desktop-based DNA, RNA, and protein sequence analysis and data management software.

