Coming Soon: Titration On a Whole New Level!
Hall A1, Stand 101
2 May 2016
Metrohm is proud to make this year’s analytica in Munich the venue for the premiere of a major new platform for titration. This new platform will be the successor of the Titrando, the world’s most popular titrator, and it will define performance in titration on a whole new level.
Entirely modular – a platform that grows with the user’s requirements
The new Metrohm platform for titration is modular and can be expanded step by step from a simple stand-alone titrator to a powerful robotic system. This robotic system can perform 4 different analyses simultaneously processing up to 175 sample unattended.
Much safer - fully protected reagent exchange
Together with the new titration platform, Metrohm will launch a patented liquid adapter enabling the exchange of hazardous reagents without opening a single bottle. Titration has never been safer!
Much easier – and more powerful
A new titration platform addressing the needs of routine users yet capable to organize and perform even your most complex analyses? At the Metrohm booth in Munich visitors will learn that in fact, they can have their cake and eat it too!
Much higher sample throughput
Up to now, turntable autosamplers have been the standard solution for automated titration. The modular sample robot for the new Metrohm titration platform breaks new ground in automation enabling automated sample throughput that was simply not possible before!
All questions about the sample answered in one report
The new Metrohm titration software answers the user’s question about each sample at a single glance: No matter how many different parameters he needs to determine and by which methods, the new software collects the results and shows them in a single report.