Compact Linear Translation Stage for Nanopositioning from Physik Instrumente

28 Aug 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Precision motion specialist PI (Physik Instrumente) LP now offers a new type of positioning stage based on a miniaturized ceramic inertia drive.

The PI miCos LPS-45 linear translation stage is designed to position samples along a precisely guided path with distances up to 1 inch. The position of the moving platform is measured by an optical linear encoder with nanometer resolution and controlled in closed-loop operation by a compact electronic motion controller.

Several versions of the LPS45 are available, for applications in air, vacuum and even for non-magnetic environments. Despite its compact dimensions and low profile of only 15mm and, the stage offers a standard travel range of 13 mm (1/2”) and 26 mm (1”) and can be scaled up for longer ranges, if required.

Drive Principle
The newly developed integrated piezo inertia drive provides high holding forces of 10 N and runs extremely quiet, due to its high operating frequency beyond the range of human hearing. Inertia drives are related to the classic tablecloth trick, in the case of the LPS-45 stage, a cyclical alternation of static and sliding friction between a moving runner and a piezoelectric drive element.

In addition to inertia drives, PI provides a large variety of nanopositioning stages, based on electromagnetic motors and several other piezo actuation drive techniques.

Self-Clamping Design
When at rest, the maximum holding force is available, locking down the platform. This leads to better long term stability; in addition there is no drive current required and consequently no heat generation.

Software Support, Optimized Motion Controller
A proprietary closed-loop controller eliminates backlash for nanometer-scale precision.

PI’s precision linear translation stages are of great value for precision alignment in photonics, semiconductor, bio/nanotech applications as well as in aerospace and scientific research.

