Compact New Dry Magnet MRI System Offers Small Labs Solution

MR Solutions’ 9.4T dry magnet MRI system is around seven times lighter than conventional wet magnet systems

31 Jul 2017
Abigail Berry
Administrator / Office Personnel

When it comes to choosing a preclinical MRI imaging system there is no need to compromise – MR Solutions’ 9.4T cryogen free, or dry magnet system, provides state of the art high resolution imaging within a compact footprint. This is often crucial due to many research laboratories have very limited space.

The new dry magnet system offers many advantages over conventional wet magnet systems, with the extensive requirements of MRI systems often being a limiting factor when purchasing.

Weighing in at approximately 700kg, the dry magnet system does not require floor reinforcement, in comparison to the 5-metric tonne wet systems. Thus, allowing any laboratory with limited space the ability to accommodate these very powerful scanners.

The 9.4T dry magnet can be fitted into a minimal space of 4m2, although 8m2 is deemed to be a more ‘comfortable’ size for the system. A small stray magnetic field allows it to be placed near to other imaging equipment, maximising lab efficiency and imaging output. The Faraday cage in the MR Solutions’ scanner is built into the cover, and therefore does not require the quench lines and water supplies that are necessary for any wet magnet system, therefore minimising external costs.

MR Solutions has recently installed a 3T preclinical MRI imaging system at the Norlux Neuro-Oncology Laboratory, part of the Luxembourg Institute of Health. Dr Olivier Keunen who is responsible for the In vivo imaging facility - Head of Support Service Unit, said: “The size of our animal facility would not have allowed installation of a larger preclinical MRI system. Because of uncertainties about Institute buildings, the system had to be installed in a temporary location. Provision and plans are made for a move of the system to its final location when ready. The cryogen-free cooling and the avoidance of quenching pipes are expected to facilitate the transition.”

Compare MR Solutions’ 9.4T dry magnet MRI system with a range of other pre-clinical MRI imagers on our site here, and see if this could be a good addition to your laboratory.

