Compliant analysis without helium: Malvern Panalytical launches even smarter Epsilon 1
Malvern panalytical announces the launch of its newest Epsilon 1, a cutting-edge solution for the analysis of sulfur in fuel
13 Dec 2021
Malvern Panalytical has officially launched the Epsilon 1. The system is pre-calibrated in the factory and is an out-of-the-box solution for the analysis of low sulfur content in fuels. The Epsilon 1 is the first analytical solution for this purpose without the need for helium, which makes the Epsilon 1 easy to operate with extremely low costs per analysis. It is the ideal analytical solution to comply to the ISO13032 standard and similar test methods.
The Epsilon 1 is a fully integrated energy dispersive XRF analyzer consisting of a spectrometer, built-in computer, and analysis software. Powered by the latest advances in excitation and detection technology, the Epsilon 1 is a star performer in the low-cost benchtop instrument class. A well-designed optical path, a wide range of excitation capabilities ranging from 7 to 30 kV for light and heavier elements, and a highly sensitive SDD detector system contribute to the Epsilon 1’s uniqueness.
No need for helium gas
Epsilon 1 gives precise and accurate data with minimal sample preparation and running costs. With the high sensitivity of the excitation and detection components, there’s no helium gas needed to achieve compliant ISO 13032 results. ‘’The air pressure and temperature sensors in the instrument, combined with advanced software algorithms, make every measurement result stable and independent of the environmental conditions. This innovation keeps the total running cost to a minimum and placement is possible anywhere in the refining-and blending operations. The only thing you would need is a power connection.’’ says Taco van der Maten, Segment Manager Oils, Petrochemicals, and Polymers.
Lieven Kempenaers, XRF Benchtop Product Manager confirms and adds ‘’There are many advantages of XRF for fuel analysis, it’s a quick, safe, and simple method of sample preparation and the data is very accurate and reproducible compared to other techniques.’’
Epsilon 1 is built for the characterization and analysis of any type of sample in many industry segments such as cement, cosmetics, environmental, food, forensics, metals and coatings, mining and minerals, nanomaterials, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers, and RoHS-2.