Comprehensive Antibody Characterisation

11 Mar 2008

Guava Technologies, Inc., a leading developer of easy-to-use, on-demand, benchtop cell analysis systems, provides new levels of flexibility and analysis with its Guava RapidQuant™ IgG Assays for quantification of mouse and human antibodies.

Used in combination with the Guava Express®, Guava ViaCount® and other Guava® Assays the new Guava RapidQuant IgG Assays provide unmatched antibody characterisation on a single cellular analysis platform - the Guava EasyCyte™ Plus ™ System.

With their simplicity and ease of use, the new microplate-based Guava RapidQuant™ IgG Assays have raised the bar for IgG titering in tissue culture supernatants. Designed to be time-saving, labour-saving and money-saving, RapidQuant Assays eliminate the most tedious portions of antibody titering methods. The no wash RapidQuant Assays are bead-based and rely on sensitive fluorescence detection for the quantitative measurements. Standard curves are automatically produced by the easy to use software interface, removing the need for time consuming calculations performed by the user during analysis. The fluorescent intensity is proportional to the concentrations of antibody captured on the beads. Using fluorescence provides tremendous reliability and precision so you can have confidence in every result. RapidQuant Assays have been tested extensively with human and mouse antibodies of all IgG subtypes and in many types of hybridoma media and have performed well in all cases tested. RapidQuant Kits are extremely specific for IgG and are not hindered by the presence of FBS or IgM in the media. The RapidQuant Assay can be used to determine absolute concentrations of antibody present in cell culture medium or in purified preparations by comparison to a standard curve. Results from this assay can also be combined with results from the Guava Express Assay to determine relative antibody affinities.

The Guava ViaCount® Assay has become a leading standard for viability and cell counting. Used in laboratories characterising antibodies the ViaCount Assay provides a rapid and reliable assessment of the cell concentration and viability of clones for production. Combining results from the RapidQuant and ViaCount Assays delivers the benefit of simultaneous assessment of IgG production and cell health parameters.

The complete antibody characterisation suite from Guava Technologies extends your capabilities for assessing target activity of antibody clones, or identifying cell populations that express a specific protein marker. For example, the Guava Express® Assays provide superior sensitivity and excellent discrimination between cells expressing low and high levels of antigen recognised by the antibody and may also be used to obtain information on specificity of antibodies in the screening steps. The Guava Nexin® and Guava® Cell Toxicity Assays deliver reliable results concerning the potency of the antibody to mediate apoptotic induction and cell killing, respectively. Using the RapidQuant, Express and other Guava Assays provides a highly specific and quantitative assessment tool for obtaining multiple layers of information about your antibodies.

Optimised for use with Guava® microcapillary flow cytometry systems, all Guava Assays, including RapidQuant, Guava Express and ViaCount, require very small volumes of sample for accurate antibody characterisations enabling multiple analyses of each supernatant to be performed from a single 96-well plate.

Faster and easier than the average enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the traditional approach for antibody quantification, the Guava RapidQuant IgG Assays efficiently quantify the amount of antibody present. When coupled with the suite of other available microplate-based Guava Assays more comprehensive data on antibodies can be generated enabling users to conveniently and productively select optimal clones from hybridoma screens.

