Comprehensive Cancer Gene Panel for Liquid Biopsy and Tissue Biopsy Samples
22 May 2017
GATC Biotech, a leading worldwide provider of sequencing services, announced the launch of ONCOPANEL ALL-IN-ONE, one of the most comprehensive cancer gene panel for liquid biopsy and tissue biopsy samples to date. The next-generation sequencing panel of about 600 genes enables the accurate detection of clinically actionable mutations and structural rearrangements for all solid tumors including lung, colon, breast, ovarian, melanoma and
gastrointestinal tumors.
“ONCOPANEL ALL-IN-ONE is unique as it combines all currently characterized cancer-specific genes into one test, “said Dr. Tobias Paprotka, Director of Research & Development at GATC Biotech. “For the first time, clinical researchers can confidently and conveniently characterize any tumor type with a single gene panel. The cancer panel is optimized to work with any starting material such as fresh frozen tissue, formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue or blood plasma samples. The unprecedented scope, precision and accuracy of the cancer panel will help progress our understanding of the molecular basis of cancer and thereby advance the field of personalized medicine.”
The assay covers the entire exons of 597 genes and selected promoter regions to identify clinically relevant mutations, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions and deletions (InDels), copy number variations (CNVs) and gene fusion events. The panel offers detection levels down to 1% allele frequency. GATCLIQUID ONCOPANEL ALL-IN-ONE analyses cell-free DNA extracted from plasma, whereas INVIEW ONCOPANEL ALL-IN-ONE interrogates DNA from tumor tissue or FFPE samples.
“The two ALL-IN-ONE products are perfectly suited to study the concordance between liquid and tissue biopsies for the detection of cancer-specific mutations,” continued Dr. Paprotka. “Our perfectly complemented services facilitate this type of comparative research by providing fast and reproducible data, which is needed to confidently establish liquid biopsies in a clinical setting.”