Comprehensive miRNA profiling by real-time PCR

11 Jun 2007

Since the recent discoveries that microRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in many diverse biological processes, research has increasingly focused on their detection and functional characterization. Leading the way in this exciting field, QIAGEN has added to its portfolio of miRNA technologies with the introduction of the miScript System, which enables detection and quantification of miRNA, as well as mRNA and other small RNA, using SYBR Green based, real-time PCR.

The miScript System allows quantification of multiple miRNAs from a single cDNA synthesis reaction, reducing variability and saving precious samples. Both miRNA and mRNA can be quantified from the same cDNA synthesis reaction, enabling simultaneous detection of reference genes or other mRNAs of interest, such as the mRNA targeted by an miRNA.

The miScript System is highly specific, overcoming the challenges presented by the existence of multiple miRNA isoforms. In addition, high sensitivity provides a dynamic range several orders of magnitude greater than microarrays, ensuring comprehensive and accurate miRNA profiles.

Discover more about QIAGEN’s technologies for advancing miRNA research on the article webpage.

