Contact-Free Pressure and Temperature Measurement of all Vessels During Microwave Digestions

24 Mar 2006
Kerry Parker

Together with its unique, contact-free temperature measurement, BERGHOF is the only manufacturer now able to also offer a patented, contact-free pressure measurement of all vessels in its speedwave® four line of microwave digestion systems. This ensures that every vessel is always under control at all times. This applies particularly in the case of rapidly proceeding exothermic reactions. This significantly increases both user safety as well as the reproducibility of the digestions. Because no sensors or similar devices must be connected to the pressure vessels, handling is as simple as possible.

The microwave unit, manufactured entirely of stainless steel and coated with PFA is equipped with the MWS AC Auto Control PC controller. The self-explanatory and intuitive user desktop makes operation as easy as possible. Temperature and pressure data of all samples can be displayed in real time and can be saved. Reviewing these data provides valuable information for method development.

