contrAA® - The Better Way to do Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

15 Dec 2014
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Since its introduction into the market, High-Resolution Continuum Source (HR-CS) AAS has revolutionized the world of spectroscopy. contrAA® instruments provide this technology for Flame, Graphite Furnace and Hydride analysis, including solid AA®.

With the latest technical and software upgrades HR-CS AAS becomes even more powerful. Now also simultaneous evaluation of multiple element wavelengths is possible. The Xenon lamp is a continuous radiation source which allows the use of any wavelength. This enables non-metals and "classical" AAS elements to be analyzed together in the same run.

A CCD detector displays the absorption spectrum of samples. AAS users can really see what they are measuring, not only a numeric absorbance value! Moreover spectrum display and comprehensive correction functions allow users to correct any background and spectral interference easily. Together with its software the contrAA® provides analysts from routine and research laboratories with a powerful tool to boost their lab's performance. An easy to use interface ensures simple and convenient operation.

