Controlled-Rate Freezer for Cryopreservation

22 Jul 2007

SP Industries has announced that the FTS Bio-Cool®, the most reliable, safe, and easy to use controlled rate freezer for cryopreservation has new European / Asian distribution via Genevac. Typical applications include cryopreservation of human and animal embryos, biological tissue and cell lines.

The Bio-Cool is the only controlled rate freezer that does not require expendable liquid nitrogen and the associated pumping, re-filling, and storing of a high-pressure liquid. The Bio-Cool, simply plugs into a standard electrical outlet and quietly provides low temperature cooling to either -40ºC or -80ºC.

Unlike liquid nitrogen systems which surround samples with a cold vapour phase, the Bio-Cool immerses samples into a well-circulated, cold liquid bath. The circulating liquid allows more efficient heat transfer to the samples and maintains a more consistent temperature profile at all locations.

The Bio-Cool also has an easy-to-use programmable microprocessor controller with the ability to program and store up to eight different protocols, each with up to eight distinct segments specifying ramp rate, hold temperature, and hold time.

Elimination of liquid nitrogen handling and usage, better freezing results, simple straightforward operation, and Genevac's world-class service support all make the Bio-Cool the controlled rate freezer of choice for most clinical, commercial, and research applications.

