Convenient and Fast DNA Labelling

18 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

PromoKine’s DNA Labelling Kits have been designed for convenient fluorescent DNA labelling by PCR or nick translation using Taq polymerase or Polymerase I/DNase I. The fluorescently labelled dUTP analogs provided with the kits have been optimized for enzymatic incorporation into DNA by using a proprietary linker technology.

The high incorporation rates of the dye-dUTP analogs combined with the outstanding stability and quantum yield of our PromoFluor dyes (covering the blue to far-red light spectrum) make these kits the ideal choice for all typical DNA labelling applications such as FISH, single molecule detection, microarray gene expression profiling, and other nucleic acid hybridization assays. The kits contain all reagents required for highly efficient, rapid, and easy-to-perform DNA labeling. The labelled dUTPs are also available separately.

