Copley Scientific Demonstrates New Data Analysis Software at DDL18

24 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Copley Scientific will demonstrate a new version of CITDAS (Copley Inhaler Testing Data Analysis Software) at Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL) 18 (12-14 Dec., 2007 in Edinburgh, UK). CITDAS is a software package that is in widespread use for the analysis of cascade impaction data, the primary analytical method used to assess the performance of inhalation products.

CITDAS is a fully validated software package that can accept results from all commonly used cascade impactors. It automatically generates the complete set of parameters specified by the US and European Pharmacopoeias for inhaler testing. This latest version (version 3) incorporates a range of new features developed in response to customer feedback.

The software will be exhibited together with the NGI (Next Generation Pharmaceutical Impactor) and labour-saving accessories from Copley Scientific’s extensive range of inhalation test products. Specialists from the company will be present throughout the conference to discuss any aspect of inhaler testing.

DDL is the premier European conference relating to the development of inhalers for the treatment of respiratory disease and systemic drug delivery. This year it will include themed sessions relating to the science, technology and regulation of drug delivery to the lungs.

