Copley Scientific to show new inhaler test instruments at ISAM Congress

20 May 2007

Copley Scientific will exhibit new additions to its extensive range of inhaler test equipment at the 16th International Congress of the International Society of Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM), which takes place in Tours (France) from 16 - 20 June 2007.

Recognising the need to simplify and/or automate aspects of metered dose, dry powder and nebuliser testing, Copley Scientific has developed a number of new products that meet requirements for enhanced reproducibility and productivity. These include the new Breath Simulator Model BRS 1000. This microprocessor- controlled unit generates the standardised sinusoidal flow profiles regularly used by companies developing nebulised products and as specified in a new draft European Pharmacopoeia monograph (2.9.44. Preparations for Nebulisation: Characterisation).

ISAM is dedicated to all aspects of aerosol research in medicine. The 16th International Congress will provide an important forum for discussion of the latest technology and recent developments in key areas such as nanomedicine, air pollution and aerosolized vaccinations. It is likely to be of interest to research scientists and medical practitioners alike.

