Corning<sup>®</sup> Epic<sup>®</sup> high-throughput label-free screening system at the Elrig/SBS show

9 Sept 2008

Corning® Life Sciences is committed to meeting customers' unique and changing needs with original solutions for today’s emerging life science technologies. Our dedication to quality, technology and innovation has enabled us to produce the world’s most comprehensive line of laboratory tools for life science research. Using our expertise in surface chemistry and materials, Corning offers a full range of life science tools for cell culture, large scale culture, drug discovery & development, liquid handling and filtration. Corning also offers custom capabilities such as special packaging, bar coding and printed lot numbers to meet specific customer requirements.

Our latest drug discovery innovations include the Corning® Epic® System. The Epic System is a high-throughput label-free screening platform based on optical biosensor technology. The system performs both biochemical and cell based drug discovery applications and offers drug developers the ability to evaluate promising new drug targets. It also allows for the observation of direct biological interactions not previously detectable in high-throughput applications.

Visit our booth C07 at SBS/ELRIG for more information.

