Corning Life Sciences to Highlight Corning® Synthemax™ Surface at ISSCR Annual Meeting

6 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Corning Incorporated announced it will be highlighting its Corning® Synthemax™ Surface at the upcoming International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, June 16 – 19 in San Francisco. The synthetic surface, commercialized as a result of Corning’s ongoing collaboration with Geron Corporation and officially launched in March, enables researchers to take the next step toward scalable and cost-effective manufacturing of stem cells for potential therapies in the treatment of degenerative diseases.

Corning booth #701 will showcase available products utilizing the Corning Synthemax Surface, lead a commercial tutorial about its benefits for stem cell research, and make two poster presentations focusing on recent applications for human mesenchymal and other stem cells. Geron will also make a poster presentation on the use of the Corning Synthemax Surface to differentiate human stem cells into cardiomyocytes.

The Corning Synthemax Surface was recently featured in Nature Biotechnology magazine’s June 2010 article entitled, “Synthetic peptide-acrylate surfaces for long-term self-renewal and cardiomyocyte differentiation of human stem cells.” Corning representatives at the show will be available to discuss the article.

WHERE: Moscone Center West, San Francisco, Calif.
WHEN: June 16 – 19, 2010
WHAT: The ISSCR 8th Annual Meeting, featuring:

• Corning’s commercial tutorial entitled, “Corning® Synthemax™ Surface for Stem Cell Culture” will take place in Room 2004 from 1:30 - 2 p.m. on June 17.
• Corning poster #910: “Synthetic Peptide-Acrylate Surface (PAS) for Culture of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Serum-Free Defined Medium.”
• Corning poster #809: “Development of Synthetic Culture Surfaces for Human Stem Cells Using a Combinatorial Approach.”
• Geron poster #1518: “Synthetic Peptide-Acrylate Surfaces (PAS) For Long-Term Self-Renewal and Cardiomyocyte Differentiation of Human Stem Cells in Defined Medium.”

Representatives from all media outlets, companies, and levels of management are encouraged to attend Corning’s commercial tutorial, view the poster presentations, and stop by the company’s booth.

