Corning Offers 3D Cell Culture and Scale-Up Solutions at SLAS 2017

Corning Life Sciences showcases diverse and growing portfolio

18 Jan 2017
Weylan Kiam-Laine

Corning Incorporated will showcase its latest drug discovery solutions, with a focus on 3D cell culture and products for high-throughput screening of 3D spheroids at the Society for Laboratory Automation & Screening (SLAS) 2017 Conference, Feb. 4-8 in Washington, D.C.

Corning will feature an array of its life sciences solutions in Booth 1337, in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, including:

  • 3D cell culture (including organoid and spheroid applications)
  • High-throughput screening (including 3D)
  • Cancer research applications
  • Sample handling and cryopreservation
  • ADME/toxicology

“We will show visitors how Corning products can help customers utilize the exciting potential of 3D cell culture,” said Richard Eglen, Ph.D., vice president and general manager, Corning Life Sciences. “We believe that helping our customers make the transition from 2D to 3D, whether for a target discovery, lead identification and optimization, or in high-throughput screening, will greatly accelerate drug discovery.”

An exhibitor tutorial session, entitled “3-Dimensional Cell Culture Systems, Novel Technologies, and Their Use at the Laboratory Bench,” will be co-hosted by Corning Life Sciences and Scripps Research Institute at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7, in Room 150A in the convention center.

“The benefits of 3D cell culture are becoming well-known in the pharmaceutical industry, but customers are still looking for guidance and further innovations as they transition from 2D culture,” said Keith R. Olson, Ph.D., global director, CLS Business Operations. “Corning has been an established leader in the 3D field for over 25 years, providing solutions that range from surfaces such as Corning® Matrigel® matrix, to systems such as Transwell®plates, and now to our new spheroid microplates for HTS. Our products, partnerships, and scientific support capabilities provide the tools researchers need to navigate the exciting new applications in this field.”

After serving a three-year term on the SLAS Board of Directors and last year as its president, Dr. Eglen will step down from the board this year. He was elected to the SLAS board in 2014 in recognition of his achievements in the life sciences industry and significant contributions to the global SLAS community.

Dr. Eglen will be available for interviews throughout the week to discuss Corning’s latest innovations. To schedule an interview, contact Elizabeth Fryman at (978) 684-2659; or email at:

Corning Life Sciences brings new and innovative laboratory technologies to researchers worldwide and helps customers succeed by providing innovative, high-quality products and services in the areas of polymer science, biochemistry and molecular biology, glass melting and forming, surface modification, and characterization science.

