Cost effective, fully automated microplate processing workstations

25 Mar 2008

Porvair Sciences Ltd has announced new microplate sealing workstations that provide cost effective, fully automated plate processing facilities able to handle plates in batches of 100 at a time without manual intervention.

Combining the flexibility of a three-position turntable with the convenience of unattended loading and unloading the TriSeal™ High Throughput and Ultra High Throughput (UHTS) systems deliver real productivity and cost savings benefits to busy screening or compound management laboratories.

Featuring the tried and tested Scorpion™ stacker / loader, the TriSeal High Throughput system uses a single Scorpion to both load and unload the TriSeal™. As the first plate is sealed inside the TriSeal, a second plate can be automatically added to the turntable prior to the ejected sealed plate being removed by the Scorpion and returned to the 'sealed' stack. A single interface box is used to control the stacker / loader and the TriSeal.

In the TriSeal UHTS system, two Scorpion stacker / loaders are employed. In this configuration one Scorpion is dedicated to loading unsealed plates while the second is used only for retrieving and restacking sealed plates. Both Scorpion units and the TriSeal are programmed and controlled from one interface box as before. The TriSeal UHTS system represents the new benchmark for precise and productive sealing of large numbers of microplates.

The TriSeal has been proven to produce an accurate and tight seal on any SBS proposed standard microplate from 5 to 47mm in height. Offering adjustable temperature heat sealing from 50ºC up to 185ºC the TriSeal is able to operate optimally with most foil and film seals.

