CovalX and Bruker Daltonics Announce Strategic Collaboration in High Mass MALDI Detection

5 Jun 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

CovalX AG and Bruker Daltonics Inc. have announced a new agreement that aims to advance protein research in the area of protein interactions and macromolecular characterization by supporting the combination of the two company’s technologies.

This collaboration draws upon CovalX´s experience as a leader in providing novel tools and unique applications for intact protein-protein interaction and macromolecular analysis, and Bruker Daltonics´ cutting-edge life-science systems based on mass spectrometry (MS). By using CovalX’s High-Mass systems, Bruker customers will have access to the analysis of very high molecular weight molecules, with significantly improved detection capabilities in the 150-2000 kDa range. In conjunction with CovalX cross-linking kits for MALDI, the High-Mass system will give Bruker’s customers access to new applications such as intact therapeutic protein aggregates, antibody/antigen interactions and protein complex analysis.

Ryan Wenzel, CSO and Director of North American Operations at CovalX, commented: "This collaboration demonstrates CovalX´s commitment to increasing access to our high mass detection technology for all MALDI platforms, and to work with the manufacturers to find a solution for all customers. We believe the market for protein interaction analysis will continue to grow as it is on the leading edge of analytical development. Furthermore, we expect this growth to be fueled by the distinct advantages presented by the combination of our technologies. By adding the extra benefits provided by CovalX to the industry leading mass spectrometry equipment obtained from Bruker, we hope to support all customers looking to analyze high molecular weight proteins and protein interactions by MALDI."

Currently manufacturing the third generation of high mass detection systems, the HM3, CovalX´s technology is already well recognized as a unique tool for protein-protein interactions analysis, which includes stoichiometry, biotherapeutic aggregation, epitope mapping and immunocomplex characterization; all key applications for the biotech and pharmaceutical industries.

Bruker Daltonics is a leading supplier of life-science systems offering the growing proteomics research community a wide choice of MS-based research tools. Increasing the information content and understanding of protein complexes through the addition of stoichiometric data, inhibition, and aggregation, this molecular interaction data promises to offer new insights for protein researchers worldwide.

“With this strategic collaboration Bruker strengthens its market-leading position in the field of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry by bridging the gap to new application fields in the analysis of protein complexes. The interaction of both CovalX and Bruker technologies will allow the customers to perform protein-protein interaction studies on an advanced level” said Ralf Schäfer – Global Product Manager MALDI TOF MS of Bruker Daltonics Life Science and Clinical Division (LSC).

