COVID-19 vaccine: Solutions to the complex cold storage paradigm

3 Sept 2020
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant

Properly immunizing the public for the COVID-19 virus is the most widespread public health objective in a century. As of 08/28/2020, twenty-eight manufacturers are at some stage of the clinical trial race for the COVID-19 vaccine (source). Vaccine candidates vary in biological makeup and physical constitution. Emerging in the COVID-19 vaccine race are novel formulaic approaches, including messenger RNA (mRNA) formats. Novel formats will require unconventional vaccine storage points at -20ºC and -80ºC for long term and transition to a +2ºC to +8ºC “thaw stage” in the days leading up to patient administration. Other vaccines will require the more common +2ºC to +8ºC temperature range throughout production & storage.

While the public eagerly awaits the first COVID-19 vaccine, hospitals, clinicals and public health facilities are full speed ahead in preparing for mass vaccine distribution. One critical aspect of proper community immunization remains the facilitation of a proper vaccine cold chain. Any temperature deviations in the transport from the manufacturer, through warehouses, and into clinics may render the vaccine unviable and further perpetuate this public health crisis. Additionally, we may not have the luxury of a conventional “one size fits all” temperature range. Thus, high performance, pharmaceutical grade cold storage equipment will be vital.

No matter which vaccine formulation is made available, PHCbi has the storage solutions needed. PHCbi brand -80ºC ULTs, vaccine freezers (MDFs, -30ºC) & high-performance refrigerators (2ºC-8ºC, MPRs) will provide the safest, most reliable temperature performance for a high value COVID vaccine and more.

  • Vaccine Type: Messenger RNA Vaccine [certain manufacturers]; Replicating viral vector [certain manufacturers]; Non- Replicating viral vector [certain manufacturers]
    • Storage: -60ºC to -80ºC
      • TWINGUARD SERIES (-50C to -86C)
        • MDF-DU302VX-PA; 12.7 cu. ft.
        • MDF-DU502VXC-PA; 18.6 cu. ft
        • MDF-DU702VXC-PA 25.7 cu. ft
        • MDF-DC700VXC-PA; 25.3 cu. ft
      • VIP SERIES (-50C to -86C)
        • MDF-C8V1-PA; 3 cu. ft
        • MDF-DU502VH-PA; 18.6 cu. ft
        • MDF-DU502VHA-PA; 18.6 cu. ft
        • MDF-U76VA-PA; 25.7 cu. ft
        • MDF-U76VC-PA; 25.7 cu. ft
        • MDF-DU702VH-PA; 25.7 cu. ft; (-40C to -86C)
        • MDF-DU702VHA-PA; 25.7 cu. ft
        • MDF-DU901VHA-PA
  • Vaccine Type: Messenger RNA Vaccines [certain manufacturers]
    • Storage: -20ºC
      • Biomedical Freezers
        • MDF-MU339HL-PA (-20ºC to -30ºC)
        • MDF-MU539HL-PA (-20ºC to -30ºC)
        • MDF-U731-PA (-20ºC to -30ºC)
        • MDF-U731M-PA (-20ºC to -30ºC)
  • Vaccine Type: Non-replicating Viral Vector [certain manufacturers]; Replicating viral vector [certain manufacturers]; Inactivated Virus Vaccine; Protein-based Vaccine; Messenger RNA vaccines days prior to administration
    • Storage: +2ºC to +8ºC
      • Pharmaceutical Refrigerators
        • MPR-722-PA (+2ºC to +23ºC)
        • MPR-722R-PA (+2ºC to +23ºC)
        • MPR-1412-PA (+2ºC to +23ºC)
        • MPR-1412R-PA (+2ºC to +23ºC)
        • MPR-S300H-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC)
        • MPR-514-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC)
        • MPR-514R-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC)
        • MPR-1014-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC)
        • MPR-1014R-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC)
      • Under-Counter Refrigerators
        • SR-L6111W-PA (+1ºC to +14ºC)
        • TSU-4RW-N6 (+2ºC to +8ºC)
    • HCbi Refrigerator & Freezer Combination storage: -20ºC (Freezer) +2ºC to +8ºC Refrigerator)
      • Biomedical Refrigerator with Freezer Combination
        • MPR-215F-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC Refrigerator; -20ºC to -30ºC Freezer)
        • MPR-N450FH-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC Refrigerator; -20ºC to -30ºC Freezer)
        • MPR-N450FSH-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC Refrigerator; -20ºC to -30ºC Freezer)
        • MPR-715F-PA (+2ºC to +14ºC Refrigerator; -20ºC to -30ºC Freezer)

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