CyBi®-FeliX as a Turnkey Liquid Handling Solution for Cellular and TOX Assays

6 Jan 2014
Kerry Parker

Stop by the CyBio booth # 429 to discover the CyBi®-FeliX, a fully automated liquid handling platform, plus the new 1536-channel pipetting head for CyBi®-Well vario.

Join CyBio at SLAS 2014 as we introduce the latest innovations in liquid handling technologies tailored to user's daily challenges.

CyBio tutorial at SLAS
Date: Tuesday, January 21
Time: 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm (45 minutes)
Room: 24C
San Diego Convention Center


The suitability of CyBi®-FeliX as an assay ready, compact liquid handling platform is exemplified in the automation of two popular assays: Cisbio’s HTRF® cellular phospho-assays and CETICS’ TOXXs Analyzer for FADU-genotoxicity. HTRF® cellular kinase phospho-assays provide an ideal phosphodetection readout enabling screening of signaling processes in cells – easily automatable on the CyBi®-FeliX. Furthermore, CyBi®-FeliX was used to automate the FADU-genotoxicity assay. This process improved reproducibility and throughput, simplified handling and enhanced sensitivity and speed.

The CyBi®-FeliX is based on 25 years of liquid handling experience to support your applications like filling of plates and tubes, creating reaction set-ups for PCR and next generation sequencing, ELISA, hit picking or pooling of samples and serial dilutions. The platform can be adjusted to any application requirements through the right combination of pipetting heads and accessories at any time.

Join CyBio at SLAS 2014 and learn more about CyBio’s extraordinary automation solutions at booth #429.

