CyBio Introduces the CyBi<sup>®</sup>-CrystalCreator Workstation for Automating Protein Crystallization Applications

29 Apr 2007

CyBio has introduced a new product to speed up protein crystallization screening, the CyBi®-CrystalCreator. The CyBi®-CrystalCreator provides an extended volume range from 0.1 µL up to 25 µL for automation of the entire crystallization process from screening and optimization to crystal growth scale-up.

With a 96-channel pipettor for reagent transfers and an 8-channel pipettor for protein transfers operating in parallel, the CyBi®-CrystalCreator system rapidly sets up a 96-well crystallization plate in under 2 minutes. This short transfer time minimizes evaporation of protein or reagent samples. Disposable tip use for protein transfers eliminates the possibility of cross-contamination and tip clogging. The 10-position deck offers sufficient space for crystallization plates, protein sample storage, and reagent plates in a compact and versatile disk configuration. The workstation can process up to 6 crystallization plates in one run, with higher capacity configurations available upon request.

The CyBi®-CrystalCreator software is based on “Click and Run” programming, with predefined sitting and hanging drop protein crystallization methods. The workstation guarantees the highest flexibility by automating all currently available kits and microplate formats.

CyBio presented the CyBi®-CrystalCreator for the first time during the “Advances in Protein Crystallography” conference held January 2007 in San Francisco, CA, USA.

