Cyprotex Introduces Sensitivity Analysis – a Valuable New Interactive Feature in Cloe® PK

27 Oct 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Cyprotex introduces sensitivity analysis to its pharmacokinetic prediction software Cloe® PK. This new and exciting functionality allows users to investigate the impact of altering the values of one or more in vitro input properties on the predicted pharmacokinetic parameters.

This feature is particularly valuable to medicinal chemists who are interested in evaluating the effects of modified chemistry and the consequence of changes to the in vitro input properties. The sensitivity analysis is delivered by Cloe® PK as a stand-alone, interactive Excel workbook, greatly simplifying its distribution amongst the members of a discovery project team.

The sensitivity analysis function is now available within an online version of Cloe® PK through the web portal, Cloe® Gateway ( By introducing predictive capabilities online, it allows Cloe® Gateway to be accessed by a wider audience of users who can now benefit from the ‘pay per use’ service rather than more costly license fees arrangements.

Commenting on the launch, Dr Anthony D Baxter, Cyprotex's Chief Executive Officer, said:

“Sensitivity analysis is a valuable addition to Cloe® PK. Its ease of use and interactive nature are useful for those scientists who wish to explore the relationship between in vitro ADME and in vivo PK for a number of different species. By highlighting which ADME and phys chem properties are the most critical in influencing PK, it will enable users to gain a greater understanding of their data and it will be an important tool for medicinal chemists in identifying the effect of modified chemistry.”

