Cytek Biosciences debuts custom reagents at CYTO 2020
Flow cytometry innovator embraces full solutions approach with focus on entire emission spectra
3 Aug 2020
This week at CYTO Virtual 2020, the industry’s premier flow cytometry conference, Cytek Biosciences Inc., a leading provider of cell analysis instrumentation and solutions, will unveil a new family of proprietary reagents.
These cFluorTM reagents, short for “Cytek Fluorochrome,” are the culmination of years of experience understanding full spectrum cytometry and how fluorophores react together in multicolor panels. Cytek’s cFluor reagents are all validated on its Cytek® Aurora and Cytek® Northern Lights cell analysis systems, ensuring optimal performance for its users in a multicolor environment. Cytek will highlight their new cFluor reagents in their CYTO Virtual 2020 Booth #201, as well as in their commercial tutorial, today at 16:30 (BST) 08:30 (PDT).
Representing the first big technological leap in flow cytometry in decades, Cytek’s cell analysis instruments use a unique optical and electronics design that reveals the full spectrum of each dye. This innovative technology has enabled Cytek’s scientists to not only fully characterize thousands of commercially available reagents, but also to identify and evaluate dyes and antibody conjugates that work optimally with full spectrum analysis on Cytek’s flow cytometers.
The first batch of reagents from Cytek, cFluor YG584, cFluor B548 and cFluor R710, are now available for research use. Each of these reagents gives Cytek’s users the ability to reveal more from their full spectrum panel with a new option excitable by the yellow-green, blue, and red lasers, respectively. Other dyes in the cFluor family will be coming soon, with demonstrated ability to work in a pre-optimized panel.
“Starting with our full spectrum instruments, and now with our cFluor reagents, we are committed to redefining what is possible in flow cytometry and offering a total solution to our users,” noted Dr. Wenbin Jiang, CEO of Cytek Biosciences. “Among our users, 30+ color panels are now more commonplace, which would have been inconceivable just two short years ago. We are now focused on empowering them so that they can go even further with their unique, state-of-the-art cell analyzers, all with greater ease and shorter time to results.”
Looking to the future, Cytek is combining customer feedback with its vast experience designing high parameter flow cytometry panels to start delivering pre-optimized panels. These panels offer researchers an efficient way to get relevant data quickly and shorten the time needed to go from biological question to answer. The need for validated panels has already been made clear, as Cytek’s customers around the world had to pivot quickly to investigate immune response specifically against SARS-CoV-2.
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