Data transfer smart and easy:LabStation with LSdata for pHotoFlex and Turb 430 Series

1 Jun 2006
Kerry Parker

WTW’s new portable optical instruments of the pHotoFlex and Turb 430 Series are optimized for field application: power-saving, robust and waterproof. Yet, they offer benefits usually reserved to lab instruments, such as data storage for 1000 values, an adjustable calibration interval with documentation, data export with filter options and many more.

Now, WTW has improved the LabStation with the smart software package LSdata to export and postprocess the field data with laboratory quality.

With the LabStation and LSdata, the data sets can be downloaded to the PC comfortably and in an instant. Filter options on the instrument side allow to select the appropriate data. The data can be imported into Lsdata GLP-compliant with user and instrument identification and exported from here directly into Excel for further evaluation.

For the pHotoFlex models, there are available additional functions for the creation and administration of user-defined photometric methods.

Both, the adjustment of stored programs between PC and instrument, and the automatic calculation of method data for user-defined programs can be performed. For the calculation of method data, a clear user interface allows to enter the measured calibration data sets. LSdata overtakes the resulting data to the new method and saves the program to either the instrument and/or the PC.

Thus, the LabStation plus LSdata converts the portable pHotoFlex and Turb 430 into compact and powerful lab solution with multiple options for application.

