Datacolor Announces New Release of its Industry-Leading ChromaCal Software

9 Jan 2015
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Datacolor® is pleased to announce the release of version 1.7 of its ChromaCal™ software, an integral component of its industry-leading solution for standardizing color in brightfield microscope images. With ChromaCal v1.7, researchers are now even better able to experience the power, speed and performance of objective color calibration for their scientific images.

ChromaCal delivers consistent, presentation-quality color images without the subjective adjustments that are typical with image processing and image editing software. The latest release of ChromaCal includes a Trial Subscription mode allowing researchers to “test drive” ChromaCal for 30 days in their own laboratory setting. There is no better way to experience the difference that color calibration can have on the consistency of your brightfield microscope images and image processing workflow.

Also included in ChromaCal v1.7 is the new ChromaCal Viewer which offers two amazing benefits to researchers. First, use the Viewer mode on your image acquisition workstation to perform a diagnostic evaluation of the linearity of your imaging system. Linearity is critical for image comparison and quantification, and ChromaCal makes it easy to check. Second, install ChromaCal on your colleagues’ and collaborators’ computers, and they can use ChromaCal Viewer to open and view any images that have been color-calibrated by ChromaCal. ChromaCal Viewer does not require a licensed software activation.

All existing customers will automatically receive the upgrade to ChromaCal v1.7 at no cost when next launching the ChromaCal Image Calibration software.

About ChromaCal

For your color brightfield imaging, the ChromaCal Color Calibration System delivers consistent, presentation-quality images without subjective adjustments…FAST!
Packaged in a powerful yet easy-to-use interface, ChromaCal streamlines the digital imaging workflow, and avoids subjective adjustments so that research data is preserved, never compromised. To raise the bar in scientific imaging and reduce effort and complexity, visit and join the ChromaCal community today.

Key Features of ChromaCal for Color Brightfield Imaging:
• Delivers consistent color in digital images for unsurpassed comparability of images between microscopy sessions and imaging systems
• Color algorithm includes automatic white balance and brightness matching
• Fast batch processing of TIFF and JPEG files
• Complete documentation of ChromaCal processing is stored in calibrated image metadata
• ChromaCal images are saved as separate files; original images are preserved
• Diagnostic tool to check linearity of your image capture system (critical for qualitative and quantitative analysis of color images)
• Flexibility to modify contrast while preserving linearity of image (not a gamma adjustment)
• Processes files up to 2GB in size (to accommodate whole-slide imaging environments)
• Flexibility to save ChromaCal images in TIFF or JPEG format (for facilities sensitive to storage requirements)
• Integrated with ChromaCal monitor calibration software to assure color integrity over the entire imaging and evaluation continuum.

