Deep UV Optics with Proven Quality

10 Nov 2006

Starna®, leading manufacturers of optical components, spectrophotometer cells and optical reference materials, have introduced new Quality Assurance technology in their Hainault (UK) plant to prove the reflectivity of their far-UV (vacuum-UV) mirrors.

Far-UV optics are particularly susceptible to atmospheric damage, and Starna® far-UV mirrors are routinely supplied with a high reflectivity magnesium fluoride coating, whose thickness must be precisely controlled to optimise performance. An Acton Research Deep UV Spectrometer is now used as a routine production QA tool on these components, and is capable of determining Absolute Reflectance on multiple samples in the 120-190 nm region.

Starna® is one of the few vendors capable of supplying far-UV mirrors with proven performance. The company has over 30 years production experience on UV enhanced optics and use state-of-the-art production plant to supply leading instrument manufacturers and research establishments with optical components manufactured to their own specifications. A choice of glass and quartz substrates and a variety of surface coatings are available.

