Delivering CBC + CRP measurements with a single instrument

9 Jul 2006

Requiring just 18µl of whole blood for fast and accurate simultaneous CBC and CRP analysis, the new ABX Micros CRP 200 from HORIBA ABX has been launched for rapid clinical decision-making support.

As a compact portable system providing complete blood count (CBC + 3 DIFF) plus C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in just 4.5 minutes, the new analyser is a highly useful tool for oncology departments, emergency and intensive care wards, for example.

The microsampling capabilities of the ABX Micros CRP 200 are not only beneficial for patients being monitored on a regular basis, but also for paediatric investigations such as neonatal sepsis.

As a key marker for inflammation, CRP can complement a range of diagnostic markers to monitor infection and direct treatment. A rapid, reliable result for CRP with hematocrit reading by near-patient testing using the ABX Micros CRP 200 can greatly enhance patient diagnosis, treatment and recovery time.

Making it ideal for highly reliable, real-time clinical decision making support, the ABX Micros CRP 200 can be fully controlled remotely using the new HORIBA ABX e-Sat module. This means that the central laboratory can control and monitor the new system whatever its location. Consequently, this ensures complete accuracy and traceability of all results, as well as reagents used, and also enables direct checking of the instrument for Quality Control purposes.

Fully automated and with a simple three button interface (startup, mode analysis selection, shutdown), the analyser is very easy to use. Single tube operation, integrated reagents, zero maintenance and no need for centrifugation also add to the ABX Micros CRP 200’s simplicity. All these factors further contribute to the new analyser’s suitability for remote analyses.

Results obtained using the ABX Micros CRP 200 are highly accurate, with excellent linearity and reproducibility. This is achieved through the use of reference methodologies, which are also utilised by the larger instruments within the central laboratory. Immunoturbidimetry is used to provide CRP results. Impedancemetry counts and identifies cells by volume, and provides CBC readings for red blood cells, haematocrit, platelets, white blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes. Photometry quantifies hemoglobin.

